Can Turnitin Detect Chat GPT?

Can Turnitin Detect Chat GPTCan Turnitin Detect Chat GPT?

Yes, Turnitin is able to recognise Chat GPT and other forms of AI-assisted writing. The development of Turnitin’s AI detection technology reflects the development of AI writing tools. This technology allows lecturers and educators to detect plagiarism in student work.

Turnitin’s AI Detection Technology

Turnitin analyses submitted content to a database of previously submitted content and online sources that are already available. Beginning in April 2023, Turnitin Feedback Studio (TFS), TFS with Originality, Turnitin Originality, Turnitin Similarity, Simcheck, and Originality Check will all be able to detect writing using AI. This system is capable to identifying writing produced by Chat GPT and writing that is helped by AI. For the purpose of identifying writing from the Chat GPT, Turnitin offers a similarity index and an originality report.

The AI detection tool at Turnitin can currently recognise 98% of AI writing, including Chat GPT. This technique examines not just the words but also the writing patterns and style to identify writing that has been aided by AI. In order to find any instances of, it also considers the context, structure, and syntax of the text.

Chat GPT and Turnitin

Turnitin was unable to recognise Chat GPT prior to the most recent upgrade from its creators. This was due to the fact that Turnitin evaluates student assignments to preexisting sources and Chat GPT creates original responses based on the information it receives. However, 98% of AI writing, including Chat GPT, can now be recognised by Turnitin’s AI detection tool.

It is important to keep in mind that even though Turnitin can spot Chat GPT and other forms of AI-assisted writing, it might not be able to pinpoint the text’s precise source. Due to the fact that Turnitin’s detection system compares the material to already published sources, it might not be able to tell whether the text was produced by Chat GPT or another AI-assisted writing tool.

How does Turnitin detect Chat GPT

Through its sophisticated AI identification technology, Turnitin is able to identify writing that has been aided by AI, especially Chat GPT. Turnitin can use this technology to compare newly submitted work to a sizable database of previously submitted work as well as online sources.While Chat GPT creates original responses based on user input, Turnitin has been working relentlessly to create AI detection tools that can recognise writing that has been aided by AI and content produced by programmes like Chat GPT.

A similarity index and originality report are provided by the most recent version of Turnitin Feedback Studio, TFS with Originality, Turnitin Originality, Turnitin Similarity, Simcheck, and Originality Check, which was released in April 2023. These tools aid in the discovery of Chat GPT writing. Turnitin, however, is yet unable to accurately detect Chat GPT text.

What are the ramifications of utilising Chat GPT for academic writing?

With regard to plagiarism and academic dishonesty, using Chat GPT for academic writing might have serious repercussions. While Chat GPT can unquestionably facilitate and speed up the writing process, it’s important to be aware of its limitations and potential pitfalls.

Chat GPT’s penchant for inaccuracies and misinformation is among its most difficult aspects. In addition, it has trouble handling long-range dependencies, which can result in language that on the surface seems to make sense but doesn’t link concepts from different sections of the essay together.

Students must be aware of the ethical ramifications of using Chat GPT and other such tools when composing academic essays, and they must use them responsibly. By doing this, pupils can successfully take use of Chat GPT’s positive aspects while lowering its risks and drawbacks.

Are there any Chat GPT substitutes that Turnitin won’t detect?

There is presently no proof that there are any Chat GPT substitutes that can avoid Turnitin’s detection. The use of AI writing tools for plagiarism or cheating must be acknowledged as highly immoral and subject to harsh penalties.

Turnitin has been putting a lot of effort into creating technologies that can recognise writing that has been aided by AI and content produced by programmes like Chat GPT. Although Chat GPT text cannot now be detected by Turnitin, this may change in the future.

Students must therefore be aware of the ethical ramifications of using AI writing tools and behave responsibly when using them. In order to be sure that their students are producing original work and upholding academic integrity, educators and instructors can make use of Turnitin’s AI writing detector.


In conclusion, Turnitin can recognise Chat GPT and other forms of AI-assisted writing, to sum up. The development of Turnitin’s AI detection technology reflects the development of AI writing tools. This technology allows lecturers and educators to detect plagiarism in student work. Turnitin, however, is yet unable to accurately detect Chat GPT text.

This is all about Can Turnitin Detect Chat GPT?

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